Workshops and Trainings.
Woskshops for Schools
Our mental health workshop for school kids provides a safe and supportive environment for children to explore their mental health and wellbeing. Through our activities and guidance, children can learn how to identify their emotions, manage stress, and build positive relationships. Our goal is to empower students to better manage their mental health and find the tools they need to live a happy and healthy life. The various topics covered in the Workshops are:
1) Understanding Emotions and Learning to regulate them.
2) Managing Exam Stress
3) Working With Anxiety
4) Being Resilience
5) Bullying
6) Developing Empathy
7) Relaxation and Mindfullness Practices.
8) Managing School offline. (Post covid Issues)
9) Social media
10) Addiction
The elements of the Workshops(session time, topics covered, age group, etc) for School are Customized as per the school requirement.
Workshops and Seminars for Colleges
1) Stress Management
2) Managing the Emotional Bandwidth
3) Relationship Issues
4) Addictions
5) Bullying
6)Family issues
7) Career Choices]
8) Peers Issues
9) Changing Gender Roles
10) Trauma
For colleges who wish to conduct seminars, where they can cater to masses, we deliver it custom made as per their requirement.
Mental Health Workshops for Corporates
Various Topics Covered in such Seminars and Workshops are:
1) mental health awareness
2) Cognizance of Stress
3) Maintaining work-life Balance
4) Relaxations and Mindfulness Practices
5) Time Management
6) Burnouts and Emotional Flooding.
7)Anger Management
8) Addictions
These workshops are customized as per company's requirement.